Sunflower seeds contain 35% shell and 65% grain. The oil ratio of the seeds with shell is 45-55%, the oil ratio of the kernel is around 65-70%. Sunflowers is one of the major plants providing the raw material for the oil industry .

Sunflower oil is among the highest quality and most delicious oils. It can be used in cooking, salad dressings, canned fried food and fish, and also in paint and soap manufacturing industry. As sunflower meal contains a serious amount of protein (20%) and some oil (1-7%) it is a highly nutritious animal feed. It is a valuable feed particulary for cattle and diary cattle.

Ground sunflower trays are used as ovine and fowl feed. Sunflower seed shell is used as a raw material in the yeast preparation, alcohol and furfurol production. Sunflower seed is commonly used as snack in Turkey. Sunflowers are an important source of honey for bees..


 Grain  % 65 – 74
 Humidity  % 6 – 11
 Oil  % 39 – 45
 Analysis Values  Oil Acid (% Weight)
 Palmitic  3 – 6
 Stearic  1 – 3
 Oleic  14 – 43
 Linoleic  44 – 75
 Arachidic  0,6 – 4